Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Suzuka Grandee Vitara
+ The general information
+ Maintenance service and greasing
+ Heater, ventilation and the conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Forward приводной a shaft shaft/bearing. An oil epiploon
+ Kardannye shaft
+ Brake system
- Engines
   + Mechanical part of engine G16
   - Mechanical part of engine J20
      + The general description
      - Routine maintenance
         Compression check
         Check of depression of the engine
         Check of pressure of oil
         Filtering element of the air filter
         The case throttle заслонок and an inlet collector
         Exhaust system collector
         Cover of a head of the cylinder
         Маслосборник and a grid of the oil pump
         The oil pump
         Cover of a chain of synchronisation
         The second chain of synchronisation and натяжитель chains
         The first chain of synchronisation and натяжитель chains
         Cam-shafts and regulators клапанного a backlash
         Valves and head of the block of the cylinder
         Pistons, piston rings, rods and cylinders
      + Assembly armature of the engine
      The special tool
      Necessary service materials
      Technical characteristics of the rotating moment of an inhaling
   + Engine cooling
+ Fuel system
+ Ignition system
+ Start system
+ Release system
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. An immobilizer
+ Electric equipment

сыворотки the ordinary для проблемной кожи отзывы e8f2b5b1

The second chain of synchronisation and натяжитель chains


1 — the second chain of synchronisation
2 — a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2
3 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
4 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
5 — a directing wheel
6 — directing to a chain of synchronisation №2

7 — a lining of a regulator of a tension №2
8 — a bolt of an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
9 — a bolt of an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
10 — a nut of a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2
11 — a bolt of a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2

The rotating moment of an inhaling.

Not to use repeatedly.

Grease with engine oil sliding surfaces.



  1. Disconnect a negative cable from the accumulator.
  2. Merge engine oil.
  3. Merge antifreeze.
  4. Remove маслосборник and a grid of the oil pump, having addressed to Razdelu Maslosbornik and a grid of the oil pump in this Chapter.
  5. Uncover cylinder heads, having addressed to Section the Cover of a head of the cylinder in this Chapter.
  6. Uncover synchronisation chains, having addressed to Section the Cover of a chain of synchronisation in this Chapter.
  7. Turn коленвал so that it met following requirements.
    • Key (4) in position коленвала.
    • The arrow on a directing wheel (3) specifies upwards vertically.
    • Marks in asterisks (1 and 2) coincide with marks in a cylinder head.
  8. Pay attention to that this point should follow repeated installation of a chain of synchronisation.
1 — marks of synchronisation of an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
2 — marks of synchronisation of an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
3 — an arrow on a directing wheel
4 — marks of synchronisation of an asterisk of synchronisation коленвала
  1. Remove a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2 (1). That it to remove, ослабьте 2nd chain of synchronisation, having turned a cam-shaft a little counter-clockwise, simultaneously pushing back колодку.
  1. Remove bolts of asterisks of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet and final valves. That them to remove, insert a wrench into a hexagon in the cam-shaft centre to fix it motionlessly.
  2. Remove asterisks of synchronisation of a cam-shaft and 2nd chain of synchronisation.
1 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
2 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
3 — a cam-shaft hexagon

Never turn a camshaft газораспределения and коленвал it is independent from each other more than on that distance which is shown in drawing after the second chain of synchronisation is removed. If to turn, there can be a wrong gearing between the piston and valves and valves, and the parts concerning the piston and valves can be damaged.

1 — an admissible range of turn of cam-shafts (on an admission and on release) … … a pin on a cam-shaft within 15 from a mark in a cylinder head to the right and to the left
2 — an admissible range of turn коленвала … … … a key on коленвале within 90 from a mark in the cylinder block to the right and to the left


Directing to a chain of synchronisation №2

Check up колодку (2) about deterioration or damage.

1 — directing to a chain of synchronisation №2
2 — колодка

Cam-shaft asterisk

Check up зубчики asterisks about deterioration or damage.

Synchronisation chain

Check up a synchronisation chain on deterioration or damage presence.

Regulator of a tension №2

Check up a boot (1) about deterioration or damage.



  1. Be convinced of that the key of an asterisk of synchronisation коленвала (1) coincides with a mark of synchronisation (2) on the cylinder block.
  1. Check up, that the arrow on a directing wheel (1) looked upwards.
  2. Be convinced of that camshaft pins газораспределения are levelled with marks of synchronisation in a cylinder head.
1 — a directing wheel
2 — a pin of an inlet camshaft
3 — a pin of a final camshaft
4 — a mark of synchronisation in the admission party
5 — a mark of synchronisation in the release party
  1. Establish the second chain of synchronisation, having levelled a yellow plate (1) second chains of synchronisation with an arrow (2) on a directing wheel.
  1. Establish asterisks in camshafts газораспределения, having made even a dark blue plate (1) 2nd chains of synchronisation with arrows on an asterisk of inlet valves and an asterisk of final valves accordingly.

Do not turn a cam-shaft more than on an admissible range of turn. If to turn excessively, the valve and the piston can be damaged.

As the arrow is designated on both parties, there are no special instructions on installation of an asterisk of synchronisation of a cam-shaft.

1 — a dark blue plate
2 — an arrow on an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
3 — an arrow on an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
  1. Establish bolts of asterisks of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet and final valves. That them to establish, insert a wrench in шестигранник in the cam-shaft centre to fix it motionlessly. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a bolt of an asterisk of synchronisation of a cam-shaft () — 80 Н•м (8.0 kg th, 57.5 pound on foot).
1 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
2 — an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
  1. Press back плунжер (1) into a body натяжителя (2) and keep it there in this position by means of a lock core (3), having inserted a lock core into a body натяжителя.
And — press
1 — back плунжер
2 — a body натяжителя
3 — a lock core
  1. Establish a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2 with a lining. The rotating moment of an inhaling: a nut of a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2 (b) — 45 Н•м (4.5 kg th, 33.0 pound on foot).
  1. Pull out a lock core (2) of a regulator of a tension of a chain of synchronisation №2.
  1. Turn коленвал clockwise on two turns, then level synchronisation marks on коленвале and marks of synchronisation in the cylinder block. Check up, that marks of synchronisation of a head of the cylinder and the cylinder block coincided with corresponding marks in asterisks.
1 — a key of an asterisk of synchronisation of a crank
2 — a mark of synchronisation for a key of an asterisk of synchronisation of a crank
3 — a mark of synchronisation in an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
4 — a mark of synchronisation in an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of inlet valves
5 — a mark of synchronisation in an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
6 — a mark of synchronisation for an asterisk of synchronisation of a camshaft of final valves
  1. Oil synchronisation chains, натяжитель, a regulator of a tension, an asterisk and directing.
  2. Establish a cover of a chain of synchronisation, having addressed to Section the Cover of a chain of synchronisation in this Chapter.
  3. Establish a cover of a head of the cylinder, having addressed to Section the Cover of a head of the cylinder in this Chapter.
  4. Establish маслосборник and a grid of the oil pump, having addressed to Razdelu Maslosbornik and a grid of the oil pump in this Chapter.
  5. Establish system of cooling and other parts.
  6. Fill system of cooling with antifreeze, forward differential трансмиссионным oil, the engine engine oil and system of a steering a special liquid.
  7. Check up, whether there is no leak of antifreeze, leak of a liquid for system of a steering, leak of exhaust gas and oil on each connection.