Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Suzuka Grandee Vitara
+ The general information
+ Maintenance service and greasing
+ Heater, ventilation and the conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Forward приводной a shaft shaft/bearing. An oil epiploon
+ Kardannye shaft
+ Brake system
- Engines
   + Mechanical part of engine G16
   - Mechanical part of engine J20
      + The general description
      - Routine maintenance
         Compression check
         Check of depression of the engine
         Check of pressure of oil
         Filtering element of the air filter
         The case throttle заслонок and an inlet collector
         Exhaust system collector
         Cover of a head of the cylinder
         Маслосборник and a grid of the oil pump
         The oil pump
         Cover of a chain of synchronisation
         The second chain of synchronisation and натяжитель chains
         The first chain of synchronisation and натяжитель chains
         Cam-shafts and regulators клапанного a backlash
         Valves and head of the block of the cylinder
         Pistons, piston rings, rods and cylinders
      + Assembly armature of the engine
      The special tool
      Necessary service materials
      Technical characteristics of the rotating moment of an inhaling
   + Engine cooling
+ Fuel system
+ Ignition system
+ Start system
+ Release system
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. An immobilizer
+ Electric equipment

Морг на екатерининском: екатерининский морг официальный сайт e8f2b5b1

Check of pressure of oil

Do not touch an exhaust system collector if an exhaust system hot, to avoid danger to be burnt. Spend maintenance service after the exhaust system will be cooled.

Before to check pressure of oil, check up the following:

  • Oil level in маслосборнике. If oil level is low, add oil to a mark of level of full refuelling on oil щупе.
  • Quality of oil. If oil has lost colour or has worsened, replace it. Address to Section the Engine in the Head Maintenance service and greasing to receive recommendations about use of concrete type of oils.
  • Oil leaks. If leak is found out, eliminate it.


  1. Uncover a collector of exhaust gases, and then take out the relay of pressure of oil (1) of the block of cylinders.
1 — the relay of pressure of oil
2 — a collector of exhaust gases
  1. Insert the special tool (oil щуп) into the formed empty aperture.
    • The special tool:
      • (): 09915-77311
      • (): 09915-78211

Be cautious, do not concern with the special tool to an exhaust system collector at installation as the exhaust system collector becomes very hot.

  1. Start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature.

Be convinced that the gear change lever costs on neutral (for models А/Т put the gear change lever in position Р), both establish a lay brake and block приводные wheels.

  1. After warming up increase speed to 4,000 turns in a minute and measure pressure of oil. Technical characteristics of pressure of oil: 390 – 470 кПа (3.9 – 4.7 kg/sm2, 55.5 – 66.8 пси) at 4,000 turns in a minute (о/м).
  2. After measurement of pressure of oil muffle the engine and take out oil щуп.
  1. Before to put the relay of pressure of oil into place, do not forget to wrap up its carving a sealing tape (1) and to fasten the relay with specified rotating the moment. The rotating moment of an inhaling: the relay of pressure of oil () — 14 Н•м (1.4 kg th, 10.5 pound on foot).

If the edge of a sealing tape supports a relay carving, cut off it.

  1. Start the engine and check up the relay of pressure of oil on a leaking.